Archive for the ‘NHE Publishing’ Category

The sixth issue of the “NHE Equine Anthology” is ready

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010
Dear friends,
We are glad to announce that the sixth issue of “NHE Equine Anthology” is ready. The issue is already available in the on-line store.


Saturday, July 24th, 2010

NHEEA Now available in French.

  • Traité sur la monture d’École. Partie II. Le dos bleu
  • Dressage: Mettons les points sur les “i” et les barres aux “t”
  • Cartularium
  • Interview de Derry McCormick: Chancelière de l’Académie des Sciences Equines
  • Traité sur la monture d’École. Partie II. Le dos bleu


The fifth issue of “NHE Equine Anthology” is ready.

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

NHE press-centre announces that the fifth issue of “NHE Equine Anthology” is ready.

Among the articles in this issue, there are: (more…)

The fourth issue of “NHE Equine Anthology” is ready.

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

NHE press-centre announces that the fourth issue of “NHE Equine Anthology” is ready.

Among the articles in this issue, there are: (more…)

Nevzorov Haute Ecole Equine Anthology is translated into the French

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la sortie officielle d”une version francaise de notre magazine “Nevzorov Haute Ecole Equine Anthology”. (more…)

The interview with Elena Kuzmina is ready.

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

We are happy to announce that we have finally prepared the interview with our wonderful Russian School member Elena Kuzmina. You’ll be able to read the whole text in the new Equine Anthology. Meanwhile we were granted the permission to publish a part of it here.

Lena: “…there shouldn’t be any rows about boiling horse skull on the stove. It may sound amusing for someone but only because he has happily avoided such refreshing experience!” (more…)

The shooting of the «L.E.P.» film is finished

Friday, February 26th, 2010

The shooting of the new film by Alexander Nevzorov «Lectio Equaria Palaestra» is finished

The shooting started in March’09. Two production companies – «Lenfilm» and «RWS» – took part in the creation of the film. More than 400 actors participated in it. About 40 episodes were filmed. Film footage includes a lot of feature episodes and some documental ones. Some scenes include more than a hundred actors…. (more…)

The third issue of “NHE Equine Anthology” is ready.

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

We are glad to announce that the third issue of “NHE Equine Anthology” is ready.

Among the articles in this issue, there are:

  • Continuation of the vital School document “Tractate on a School mount”. Alexander Nevzorov speaks about cordeo usage, pesades and suberbia, a mysterious psychological tool, which would be used by School masters at all times.
  • Story by our Italian representative Maurizio Patti, about two marvelous students in the School: Mr. Cypro and Mrs. Lency. Who are they? Read and learn.
  • In the column “Colloquium” the conversation with Australian hoof-trimmer Peter Laidely about horse health, human politeness and who will win in “hoof wars”.
  • And other articles in regular columns “Cartularium”, “Horse Revolution” etc.

Attention! From this issue onwards, not waiting for the printed version, we have started publishing the book “The Horse Crucified and Risen (Horse Encyclopaedia)” by Alexander Nevzorov. Five years ago this book, together with the film of the same name, changed Russian readers` minds, altering forever the march of the horses’ history in the humans` world. Now you can examine this book in English.

You can order the third “NHE Equine Anthology” issue here:

We wish you pleasant reading and, of course, every success to you and your horses.

NHE Publishing Team

“The Horse Crucified and Risen (Horse Encyclopaedia)” book translation to English

Monday, February 15th, 2010

We are delighted to inform you that the translation from Russian to English of the book by Alexander Nevzorov “The Horse Crucified and Risen (Horse Encyclopaedia)” has been completed.

This book was introduced to Russian readers in 2005; a year after the film of the same name had been released and which signified the first step of the revolution of horses’ destiny in the modern world.

In the time that has passed since its first publication, the School has travelled a long way: crucial scientific discoveries have been made; dozens of articles have been written; educational and feature films have been released. Today dozens of students do all those things that seemed an inaccessible mastership in the years of “Horse Encyclopaedia”, and the Teacher himself, together with his amazing horses, advance tremendously even further.

While the book is being prepared for print, we have started publishing parts of it, by popular demand for our English-speaking friends, in our  «NHE Equine Anthology», which can be obtained now.

Attention: official German, French, Spanish and Polish translations of “The Horse Crucified and Risen (Horse Encyclopaedia)” are in progress. There will be a full announcement when they are ready.We didn’t intentionally emendate the book, although over the last years, new scientific proof of the impermissibility of the vile torture called “equestrian sport” has appeared, and new ways of horse education have been discovered. This book is a sample of Nevzorov Haute Ecole way of thinking in the year 2005.

We wish every success to you and your horses.

Best regards,Nevzorov Haute Ecole Press-center