Archive for January, 2011

”Beyond the Dream Horse” A Success Story

Monday, January 10th, 2011

The Nevzorov Haute École press-center is proud to announce that the book “Beyond the Dream Horse” by Michael Bevilacqua released on Oct 1st, 2010 has the high ranks on the  (by Christmas it was among the top 2% out of over 8,000,000 titles and on Jan 14 the book was ranked #5 of all equine books.)

That is quite a feat for a horse book in a niche market. Repeated comments about the book state the honesty from the author about his experiences and how so many can relate to the different stories. It does not merely relate significant developmental contributions and realizations from and by the horses but also a complete transformation that is adhered to outside of the book in real life. Straightforward, simple, beautiful.

Stormy May

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

Stormy May, producer of The Path of the Horse, visited Canada last fall to film the NHE International seminar event. She was onsite from the opening sentences, the outdoor sessions, to the closing statements.  This event will likely become part of her new release.

NHE seminar in Canada

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

The second NHE International Seminar held in Quebec, Canada on October 2010 was hosted by Cloé Lacroix, Dean of the online school and Michael Bevilacqua, Senior NHE Representative.

The seminar presented the main philosophy behind NHE which is to treat the horse with respect and to level the playing field. That is to view the horse as an equal without any notion of dominance that is so commonly perpetuated in the horse world. The main objective was to help people realize that the only ‘method’ required was to find a way to become understandable to the horse. There is no textbook formula to expressing love and that there is nothing to stand in the way of simply communicating with a different species that is more than capable of comprehending.     (more…)