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Alexandr Nevzorov

Some day, may be not in our life, equestrian sport will be outlawed and our grandchildren will try to forget this shameful fact of man’s biography. They would burn with shame thinking of this practice of the past as we are ashamed now thinking of slavery and concentration camps.

The film “The Horse Crucified and Risen” (The Horse Encyclopedia) by Alexander Nevzorov is really an outstanding thing. Nevzorov fomented a revolution in the minds of millions of people.

Now every horseman’s life is divided into two parts: before and after “The Horse Crucified and Risen”. Nevzorov let them see in a different light what was treated as a norm for centuries. He pointed out the only true way to establish a relationship between horse and rider: a way without violence, a path which horse and rider would follow together.

He gave everyone a chance to decide what position to take and to join those whose grandchildren will look into horse’s eyes without any shame. Alexander Nevzorov, being a revolutionary and a brilliant thinker in essence, was one of a few people who understood the core of equestrian sport and was not afraid of calling things aloud by their names.

He was the first to tell everyone what equestrian sport really consists of:

" … equestrian sport by nature can’t be even defined as a sport. Yes, any sport includes records and victories, but these records and victories are gained by one’s own sweat and blood, by one’s own pains and efforts. And equestrian sport (if we study the issue) represents parasitizing on physical abilities of another living being which does not want to be engaged in this sport but forced to it by pain and beating. So why the hell we call it a sport?

Among all sportsmen there are no more than two percent of real sadists, and others just do not realize what they’re doing”.

A. Nevzorov “The Horse Crucified and Risen”

We could not imagine what a great outbreak of emotion this film would rise. We did not know how many amateurs and even professional sportsmen were ready to repent and to say goodbye to their past ant present practices, how many people were craving for changes and were waiting for someone who would set them on the right track and guide them.

This film was a new page in relationship between horses and men. A new era is coming, an era of mutual understanding between horses and men.

Alexander Nevzorov’s contribution to the development of Haute Ecole is really priceless. He managed to do a seemingly impossible thing; he understood the mechanism of the natural horse’s collection. He has learnt to collect a horse without any artificial aids, without bridles and bits. Nevzorov’s horses at liberty, at lunge, in hands and while mounted always move in a perfect balanced collection without a bridle. It is necessary to point out that during the process of training Nevzorov never and in no case uses bridles, mediakanas, cavesons and halters, only cordeo – a thin strap that lies free on a horse’s neck.

 Certainly all this did not happen at one stroke. Alexander had to go a long and difficult way to understand finally the essence of horse and man relationship. It took years of studying and self-perfection to acknowledge the truth. Alexander had to admit his own faults, repent and to start everything from the beginning. By this time the understanding between horses and him has been developed to a phenomenal extent. However I am sure that he will not stop at this stage and will go further. What he will achieve at the end…Let’s not guess and just wait for new films and books. But anyway the one thing is clear: this way leads to understanding of human and horse’s souls.

 The bi-serial version of the film “The Horse Crucified and Risen” has already been bought by television channels of 12 countries.

The book “The Horse Crucified and Risen” is being prepared for publication all over the world. This book shows "how you can be with a horse, in alliance with a horse and on a horse with its consent, and not against its will".

The English translation of the book took some years, now its finised and  we editing it for publising.

Due to  very high interest to the book  we took the decision to publish it also in the   " NHE Equine Anthology" chapter by chapter. It will be available on-line ( see NHE Equine Anthology) which allow more people to read it as soon as possible.



I purposely do not want to cover here widely the facts of a non-horse part of Nevzorov’s life. Certainly this part exists. I only mention here some vital events.

Alexander Nevzorov, an Independent Deputy of all the four convocations of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, had been an editor-in-chief on Leningrad (and later Saint-Petersburg) television for 10 years. He is the member of the International Slavonic Academy of Science, an advisor to the Governor of Saint Petersburg.

He used to be a novice in a monastery, a bass  chorister, a keeper of a museum, a loader, a stunt man, a mercenary at several wars, a literary secretary, a reporter, a script writer, a consultant-analyst to the Government of the Russian Federation.

He participated in wars in Ugoslavia, Transdniestria, Iraq and Chechnya. He was a member of the National State of Emergency Committee in 1991, defended the White House in 1993, and was put under arrest after an exchange of fire on approach to Moscow when he led what remained of Riga’s OMON as reinforcement to the besieged. He took part in Vetsmilgravis’ events. He harbored some fugitive OMON soldiers from Riga and Vilnius on Russian territory.

He participated in the assault of Ostankino and in the first assault of Grozhy, entering it one of the first together with General Rokhlin.

During 1994-1998 he was a consultant-analyst to Berezovsky.

He was wounded twice and contused once.

Three times he became a volunteer hostage of terrorists in exchange for release of other people.

In 1993, despite of the fact that he was elected to the State Russian Parliament four times he quit the political stage.

He knows the French language and the Lacota language (he financed the publishing of the first Russian-Lacota phrase-book in Russia) and Latin.

He is a specialist-expert in ancient curb bits, stirrups and any horse harness in general, and a specialist-bibliophile in old hippological editions.

He was conferred the Personal Bravery Order, the Red Star, the Transdniestria Defender medal, the Strengthening of Battle Fellowship medal, the Chechnya Operations Participant medal, the Defender of Transdniestria Cossack Cross etc.

He was the author and the anchorman of a legendary program of Leningrad television ‘600 seconds” and analytical programs of the First channel “Days” and “The Wild Field”.

He is the author and director of several films including a feature film “The Purgatory”, in which he reconstructed the events that he participated in during the assault of Grozny and the defense of the Grozny City Hospital.

He is the author of the book “The Horse Crucified and Risen” (“Horse Encyclopedia”).

He is the author and director of the film “The Horse Crucified and Risen”( “Horse Encyclopedia”) and "The Horse Crusified and Risen II".

He is the author and director of the film "LEP" (Lectio Eqvaria Palaestra).

He is the author of hundreds of articles and publications.

He has completed the book "The origin of personality and intelligence of Homo".

Copyright © NEVZOROV HAUTE ECOLE, 2004 - 2012.

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