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News Alexander Nezvorov Nezvorov Haute Ecole Horses Lydia Nevzorova Horse Revolution
NHE Research Center Films & Books by Alexander Nevzorov Equine Anthology Photogallery F.A.Q. Press Links Online SHOP



Ask your question

The NHE School Members answer the most popular newcomers` questions.

[48] There are rumours that NHE keeps their horses isolated in boxes and students who are against this rule would be banned. Is it a truth?

No, we are absolutely against isolation of horses, and we are against stable keeping. We are fighting with sportive horse management for many years (read my article in the press section "Life behind the bar").

We are for 24/7 outside living of horses in paddocks with shelter under permanent observation.


However, we are against so- called "natural" keeping when horses are abandoned in herds without control, in dark cold weather, without protection, etc.


We advise to spend cold nights in stable, wear rugs when needed and have lightly warm (not cold) drinking water permanently available.

We do not insist on any rules for horse keeping to students as people have different possibilities and circumstances, but we are sure that our students do all the best and all which is possible for their horses.


[47] Is the book "The Horse Crucified and Risen (Horse Encyclopaedia) by Alexander Nevzorov available in other languages besides Russian?

The book is already available in English! Visit our shop. 
In the same time we still publish it chapter by chapter in the on-line NHE Equine Anthology.
There are no other language translations at present, but the book is under German, French and Spanish translation and is being made up in Polish.

[46] When the new film will be ready and what will it be about?

The new film called "Lectio Equaria Palaestra" will be released soon. We won't retell the script, but can say there will be no equestrian sport horrors and it will show the human and horse from an absolutely different side and will be interesting not for horse-people only.
The film will change viewers' minds and be an epochal event.

[45] What does Alexander do, if not riding? What about Haute Ecole?

NHE is developing, new knowledge is coming, old knowledge is being rethought, values are being revalued. Now Alexander teaches the horses Latin. Details will be available very soon, when the new film is ready.


[44] Why there have not been new photos in the gallery of Alexander aback for so long?
Are the horses healthy?

All the horses are healthy, but there are and will be no riding photos. Alexander stopped riding about two years ago, and is not going to continue this practice.
He doesn't ride on ethical grounds, first of all. And besides, even the most permissive riding doesn't profit anything horse's health.

[43] Hi! I saw here many questions about the Horse Encyclopedia, but I think they were asked long time ago. So is there Horse Encyclopedia in English jet? And where could I get it. There was given a link for it too. But not in English. Thank you for your response. Everything you do is amazing.

The book is already available!

[42] You affirm that Nevzorov has never been working with horses using "metal", but there are photographs where Nevzorov is working Perst on "metal" on the Internet! On your website you affirm that everything that Alexander shows is done without the use of metal, only with help of cordeo. Please clarify the situation! It looks as if the photos on your website show only the result of the work with metal?

We were never hiding that we had to go a long path from typical Yahoo-to-ride lovers on a horseback to normal people.

Nevzorov has never been hiding that he was the same as everyone else, that he was working horses using "metal", the same way as myself, he was riding, was a horse-stuntman in earlier years of his life, then he went for classical dressage, was a student of Mario Lurashi and only then he stopped using "metal" as well as other means of control.

The photos that you are talking about were probably published in the media  around 10 years ago. Since then a lot has changed. Read the information down the Perst link.

We have never been hiding that fact and Alexander has even put one episode in which he is accomplishing piaffe on a grey Andalouse horse in the film Horse: Crucified and Risen.

We are not using "metal" as well as other means of control for many years under no circumstances, even to say that everything that Alexander has achieved in work with horses is achieved on free horses only. Not only video but the results that our students demonstrate all over the world serves as a proof of that too.

[41] I have found information on the Internet that Nevzorov was a member of KGB, is that true?

No this is not true. Nevzorov has never been a member of any party or  KGB-like organization. Nevzorov has a very rich biography (read biography that is on the site) and Nevzorov is utmost talented and famous person of  Russia so it is natural that there are many envious, ill-wishing to him flamers. Primary amount of "biographers" of Alexander consists of raged  equestrian sportsman, who's horse mockery we are honestly demonstrating in films and press, and journalists-losers, for whom Alexanders' glory on TV is a nightmare of life. There are also some students of our School who were banned from it due to lack of talent.

[40] Your rules are strict and your method is hard. Where can I get help?

Understanding and implementing the Philosophy of NHE is a process of growth for most. Growth can sometimes be difficult and painful.

The journey is largely an intimate understanding and development between you and the horse.

It is a lifelong commitment in friendship. A genuine liking of each other. These are things that require much time, patience, sensitivity and depth of understanding - there can be no other way.

Some things can be challenging at times - but know that this always just a lack of understanding in ourselves of the situation. Be patient and kind with yourself too. You are learning just as the horse is. There is no time limit, no competition, no force for you to understand immediately - we apply this to the horses development, and so we should of ourselves and of each other.

If you are struggling and need help, there are others who are committed to supporting and guiding your development. Have courage to ask a direct question in the Forum. Visit other peoples diaries and learn from their development. Read, study and understand the physiology of the horse. Commit to educating yourself of every aspect of the horse - it is in this knowledge that holds the understanding of why we do what we do in NHE.
Take heart that you are not alone and the open community of NHE has been designed so those that have a genuine desire to learn can freely ask and discuss.

It can be heartening to know all the rules of NHE have been created to protect the horse. If you follow them (even if you do not completely understand them) you know you will not hurt your horse. It is only through never hurting or forcing your horse do you create a situation where mutual trust and understanding is possible.
Whenever there is pain or discomfort for the horse - however slight, there cannot be total trust. Without trust, there cannot be a place for learning and understanding.

Sascha Day

[39] What are the duties of a School member?

Stop riding for at least a year to let the back of your horse recover and to work on a new relationship with your horse. Study the horses’ anatomy, soul and nature. Educate people about the horse, and make them attend on the horses that walk in sport.

Greetz Chantal James

[38] What is forbidden for School members?

To participate in any eventing or sport activity. Don’t practice NHE and train another horse for the meanings of sport.

Greetz Chantal James

[37] Can I practice NHE with my own horse and ride the another?

It wouldn’t be fair and true to NHE, would it? If you know how much damage riding causes, how are you still able to ride with a clean conscience? Even if it’s another horse, ask yourself are you fair and a horse worth? Why do you ride? For you or the horse?

Greetz Chantal James

[36] Are followers of other methods allowed to be a member of NHE School? Can I follow/practice other methods in the same time?

No, it will only confuse yourself and your horse. You can’t do today this and the other day that. It will only turn into frustration. You may study other methods, to learn more and gain more experience. But if you choose to practice NHE then it’s better if you don’t confuse you and your horse and only use one method.

Greetz Chantal James

[35] What are the requirements and rules for being a School Member?

Reject the usage of bits, any punishments and abuse of the horse. You must not support racing, jumping, eventing, etc.

Greetz Chantal James

[34] What is the main goal of the Horse Revolution?

To ban horse sport and educate people from the horses anatomy till the correct management.

Greetz Chantal James

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