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The NHE School Members answer the most popular newcomers` questions.[33] Why are we against sport and pleasure riding, eventing, etc.?It’s disrespectful and disgusting, almost perverted. Sport dressage, horses that stand all day long in a box and are only taken out when they get ridden. And then they need to walk perfectly and if they make a wrong step they get punished. Forced collection, broken horses with red eyes and dead looks in their eyes. Mouth full of foam and wide open, trying to save the tongue from the silent torture called bit. Used for communication and aid, for the horse only a pain. For more information please see this link: http://hauteecole.ru/en/nevzorov_haute_ecole.php?sid=0&id=415 Greetz Chantal James [32] What is the main goal of NHE way horse-training?The ultimate goal of NHE is the optimum physical and mental health, spiritual happiness, liberated thought and complete emancipation of the horse. Sascha Day* * * A horse that is physically and mentally strong. A horse that has trust in his human, a horse that shines and blooms up, an unbroken horse that found connection and understanding in a two legged creature Greetz Chantal James For more information please see this link: http://hauteecole.ru/en/nevzorov_haute_ecole.php?sid=0&id=415 [31] Who is Dr. Cook, Dr. Strasser. etc.?W. Robert Cook, (FRCVS, PhD, Professor of Surgery Emeritus, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine) is a veterinarian who has done pioneering work on the harmful effects of bits and developed a bitless bridle. He has authored numerous articles both for veterinary journals and for the average horse owner, and co-authored, with Dr. Strasser, the book "Metal in the Mouth." Some of Dr. Cook's articles are available here: http://www.bitlessbridle.com/cat/Articles.html Kris McCormack [30] Can we prove scientifically what we state about bits, shoes, collection, etc.?Yes, we can. We can prove every word we say. We have a lot of results of different scientific researches, and all our statements are based on them. Alina Nos [29] What is difference between natural and forced collection?Forced collection is really a oxymoron, as true collection can not be forced. The so-called forced collection is achieved through the use of bits, bridles, nosebands, running-martingales, spurs and whips. This is accomplished with the rider’s hands pulling and yanking extremely hard on the bit and strong hard kicking with the spurs. The result is a normally beautiful graceful animal moving in severe pain and discomfort which is reflected in almost robotic movement. Carole Graham [28] What is Cordeo and what is it used for?Cordeo is the rope around horses' neck. According to the School rules, it shouldn't be raised higher than as you can see on all our photos and it definitely can't be used in order to force the horse. Moreover, even if you try to do it - you won't manage: horse's neck is perfectly protected by neck muscles and he can always easily go away from you - you won't manage to make him stay with you by force. The cordeo, as I've already mentioned, isn't a tool to force the horse. But that doesn't matter that it is useless: it is a great helper when you explain something to your horse. With the cordeo you can prompt him the height of the "pesades", or the size of the amplitude on "balance", or trot tempo... It helps a lot! Alina Nos [27] Why and how do we use the whip?We use the whip in order to show the horse what we want from him. It can’t be used as a punishment tool, and the first lesson in NHE is to explain to your horse that he shouldn’t be afraid of it (naturally, foals do not see anything scaring in it, but horses who came from equestrian sport are really afraid of being punished with it). That is why our horses feel absolutely comfortable while studying and after some time all of them even forget that the whip can be unpleasant for them. They consider it to be a long arm of their Teacher – and in fact it really is. Alina Nos [26] Why don't we use bits, bridles, spurs and other devices?When you understand the true meaning of collection (what we refer to as "natural collection"), this question answers itself. It is absolutely impossible to force a horse into natural collection. Bits, bridles, spurs, etc. are all instruments of force, intended to cause pain and discomfort to the horse. Kris McCormack [25] What is difference between NHE and NH?Very simply, one can say that NH is about the humans comfort, safety, health and happiness whereas NHE is focused on the horse’s comfort, safety, health and happiness. The purpose and methods of NH, is for making life easier for the human, most often at the expense of the horse’s health and wellbeing. The belief is that the horse needs improving on and through sequential and methodical desensitization, the horse is forced to respond to requests from the human as a reflex. This makes him dull, deadened, predictable and ultimately “useful” to the human. Added to this is the fact that the main beneficiaries of the advancement of NH are the “leaders” and “teachers”. NH is multi-billion dollar industry which is ego driven and career orientated and one which takes from the horse and gives to the human. In stark contrast, NHE teaches that the horse is always right, that he is complex, intellectual and delicate, that his choices and reactions do not need improving on and that he is encouraged and entitled to have free thought and will. His purpose for existence is not to serve humans in any way or be used by the human for any reason. All interaction and learning is done with complete consensual participation and is based on the development of mutual trust and understanding between the horse and human, this to reveal and emancipate the horse’s mind, personality and physical abilities. Every action by the human is with the highest regard for the horse’s health, wellbeing and happiness. NHE is free and accessible to all who wish to learn - only a commitment, understanding and adherence to the Principles is required. All Student Members within the School are considered equal and are supportive and respectful of one another’s development. There are no ladders to climb nor money to make. NHE is all about the horse and the reinstatement of his fundamental right to live a life free of pain, force and servitude. Sascha Day For more information please see this link: http://hauteecole.ru/en/nevzorov_haute_ecole.php?sid=0&id=415 [24] What is the difference between NHE and C. D. ?NHE does not use any devices to force the horse into the correct positions. Everything is done at liberty and the horse's well being (mentally and physically) always come first. The horse learns without force or pain only through perfect communication. Both NHE and Classical Dressage start with extensive groundwork that gets the horse and his body prepared for more complicates moves and riding. In NHE the riding part is reduced to a bare minimum and the horse is never ridden uncollected or in forced collection. NHE does use a well fitting saddle on the horse so that the pressure of the rider's weight is more evenly distributed and not just concentrated on 2 small areas on the horse's back. Sabine Peters [23] What is Classical Dressage?The official explanation of the Classical School is that Classical Dressage is the art of riding correctly and performing dressage and Haute Ecole movements in absolute harmony with the horse. Lightness, harmony, balance and relaxation are the key factors of the training. The balanced, classical seat of the rider that does not inhibit the horse's movements is of utmost importance. This is Arthur Kottas Heldenberg, ex-chief rider of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, an idol of Classical Dressage, which they say is "full of harmony and lightness", on one of his clinics: http://photofile.ru/photo/monoceros/2457191/large/44937240.jpg http://photofile.ru/photo/monoceros/2457036/large/44934255.jpg For more information please see this link: http://hauteecole.ru/en/nevzorov_haute_ecole.php?sid=0&id=415 Sabine Peters [22] What is the contact between old Haute Ecole and NHE?I would say that the only thing that they have in common is the movements / exercises. The big difference is that classical Haute Ecole forces the horse and uses conventional training techniques, whereas NHE does not use any devices, the horse is totally unobstructed and participates willingly. Communication is the key. Sabine Peters [21] Where did Haute Ecole originate from? Who were the Great Masters?Haute Ecole had its origins in ancient Greece as described by Xenophon and was originally used for practical use in the military. During the Rennaisance Xenophon's work was rediscovered by a Neapolian nobleman Grisone and then brought to France by one of his students, Antoine de Pluvinel. Pluvinel indoctrinated Francois Robichon de la Guerniere in these principles who got to be one of the most influential equestrians of his time. For the last 30 years Mario Luraschi of France has been a contemporary Master of Haute Ecole. Historically Iberian horses were preferred because of their natural ability to collect. Sabine Peters [20] What is Nevzorov Haute Ecole?NHE is a philosophy with emphasis on the horse and human relationship based on putting the horse first, with the understanding “the horse is always right” (Alexander Nevzorov). Putting the horse first means we are listening to the horse and have educated ourselves in the complete physiology of the horse. This enables us to know the when and what to ask of the horse, that is age and developmentally appropriate, plus always listening to the horse as well. Carole Graham * * * NHE is a philosophy about developing a deep friendship with a horse where we learn to listen and accept the horse's wishes, likes and dislikes. Therefore there is no punishment, no gadgets; it's just two beings whose souls connect. Sabine Peters * * * Nevzorov Haute Ecole is the art, techniques and practice of advanced and scientific study and understanding, development, liberation, providence, respectful equality and admiration of the horse in his absolute entirety – his physiology, his intelligences and mind, his thoughts and emotions. * * * Complete understanding between horse and human. The horse’s soul and body needs to be studied first to get full understanding. What is discipline and what is force. How can I ask a horse for something without breaking his soul and destroying his body? How can I gain a true and honest relationship? Always listen to the horse and keep on analyzing. Be clear to your horse and show him that you care. If there is force, there is misunderstanding…always. And a tip of mine, whisper to your horse. Greetz Chantal James [19] Is the movie Horse Encyclopaedia available on video or DVD?Yes, now you can obtain the film on DVD or by downloading it to your computer. Here are the contacts:
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