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News Alexander Nezvorov Nezvorov Haute Ecole Horses Lydia Nevzorova Horse Revolution
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About Lydia Nevzorova

She is a specialist in hippology and Equine Thermographist (musculoskeletal system).

Editor-in-chief of the "Nevzorov Haute Ecole" journal and "NHE Equine Anthology".

Founder and leader of the Horse Revolution.

Head and Photographer of the Nevzorov Haute Ecole publishing house.

Cameraman ( 1 channel - State Russian TV).

A member of American Academy of Thermology.

The member of Advisory Panel of Equine Science Academy.

A member of the International Professional Equine Photographers Association.

A member of BBACs – the International Bitless Bridle Associate Clinicians organization.

The scientific consultant to Alexander Nevzorov in the film “Horse Encyclopaedia”,"Horse Crusified and Risen".

The scientific editor of the book "Horse Encyclopaedia" by A.Nevzorov


She graduated St.Petersburg Gerzin University (Art), graduated with honors from College of Equine Studies (Newmarket), and now continues studying Equine Science at Warwickshire College of Equine Study of Harper Adams University, in England.

The author of many books about equine management including hoof care books:

Hoofcare Science

Everything that you do not want to know about shoeing (Ru)
How to achieve balance (Ru)
What veterinarians are silent about: Laminitis (Ru)
Theory and Practice of School trimming (Ru)

Horse Management

All about blankets (Ru)
Treatise on Horse feeding (Ru)
How to manage a stable (Ru)
Paddocks and shelters (Ru-En)


She is the author of "Hippo-photography. Theory and Practice".

The author of great number of articles in the Horse World magazine (horse management, health and welfare), had charge of the “Questions and Answers” column in the horse newspaper Marengo.

The author of illustrations in the book "Horse Encyclopaedia" by Alexander Nevzorov.

Lidia’s photos are published in the following magazines: National Geographic, Geo, Amazone, Cavallo, Natural Horse Magazine, Konjska Snaga, Ezda, Hästfocus, Cheval Attitude, HELLO!, Hooligan, Cheval Magazine, Horses for life, Hesteliv, Konniy Mir (Horse World), Arguments and the Facts, Ogonyok, MK Bulvar, Telesem, Inter-business, Muzhskaya Rabota, &, Medved, Gorod, Class Elite, Sobesednik, Dobrye ludi, etc., and newspapers: Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscowsky Komsomolets, Express-gazeta, Vechernaya Moskwa, Antenna, Versiya v Pitere, Baltiyskiy Meridian, Kazanat, Na Nevskom etc.

Trains horses by Nevzorov’s method, without bits, bridles, halters and any other artificial aids.

Copyright © NEVZOROV HAUTE ECOLE, 2004 - 2012.

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When using in any form any textual, audio, photo or video materials, reference to HauteEcole.ru is required.
When reproducing in full or partially any textual materials in the Internet please make reference (as hyperlink) to HauteEcole.ru.

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