Archive for March, 2011

Le 3 ième numéro de la version Française de notre revue “NHE Equine Anthology” est disponible!

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

 Traité sur la monture d’Ecole. Partie III: Superbia.Cordeo.Pesada

“La Superbe est un état indispensable dans l’esprit de l’École. Les hypocrites tentent de nous confondre, pour nous éviter de comprendre la science et de voir la vérité”.

 Cet extrait est tiré d’un manuel des plus ancien, intitulé ” PRAECEPTIO PRAECEPTORIBUS “. Manuel des préceptes d’enseignement de la sagesse de l’Ecole, la doctrine sur l’importance de garder secret cet enseignement, et sur l’apprentissage de la Superbe comme étant le meilleur état d’esprit du maitre d’Ecole et permettant a une personne d’acquérir une complete resistance psychologique quand elle est pleinement mise en oeuvre: c’est ce qui permet de faire de veritables progrès dans notre domaine ainsi que de bénéficier d’un veritable développement des caracteristiques humaines. Il sera étudié dans ce troisième numéro de notre revue, ce que signifie cette notion de Superbe aux yeux de l’Ecole et pourquoi il se doit de l’observer et de l’appliquer strictement. (more…)

Three New Books From NHE

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

The NHE Press Center is pleased to announce the release of three new books in Russia : Horse Management, covering topics like fencing, shelter, dealing with winter conditions; Rugs (blanketing) and Barns.

Thanks to the collaboration of School members, each book is packed with pictures showing various examples and situations. A picture is worth a thousand words so only sparse text supports the photo examples. They clearly depict what is acceptable, that which is dangerous, convenient, inconvenient, useful or unnecessary. It also shows the variance in norms between Russia and the West including the point of view of Nevzorov Haute Ecole. They are presently only available in Russian but we hope to have chapters released online in English (like the Anthology) as seen at

The Equine Sciences Academy presents

Friday, March 25th, 2011

The Whole Horse Symposium – Mind, Body and Spirit
Oct 15-16, 2011, Lake St. Louis, MO, United States
Come and learn how every part of your horse and his environment is inextricably connected to every other.  Perhaps that hock problem is really a diet issue, or his toe dragging is really a dental issue.  More often than not we are seeing and treating the symptom, instead of finding and addressing the cause.
Take this rare opportunity to see and hear top equine professionals in many disciplines help tie it all together for you in a “whole horse” and holistic way.  Topics include Dentistry, Body work, Hoof function, Vets on hoofcare, Modern Nutrition, Grass-Laminitis-Forage, Behavior Based Horsekeeping, Stress and its effects, Holistic Vet Care, and more. 

Enjoy two full days of presentations and demos, and then for those who want more, choose one of the in-depth, full day clinics following the event.  Seating will be limited so register early.