Paddocks and Shelters by Lydia Nevzorova

Paddocks and Shelters portrays the reality of horse keeping in order to help horse owners honestly and objectively evaluate their own properties or boarding facilities.

A unique format of comprehensive and relevant photo illustrations comprise this handbook that guides you to make the best choices when arranging and constructing your horses’ paddocks and shelters, as well as alerting you to hazardous, yet all too common practices. Concise, clear captions and comments provide numerous responsible options for safe and comfortable equine habitats, along with what to avoid and why.  Expert advice from seasoned horse owners outlines effective, appealing solutions for everything from fencing materials to water troughs – all with the best interest of the horse in mind.

This book is the translation of the popular Russian book, Paddocks and Shelters by Lydia Nevzorova, which leads off the Nevzorov Haute Ecole series on Equine Management which includes volumes on stable setup, hoof care, blanketing and more.  This insightful series offers a revolutionary approach to horse keeping in a handy format brimming with valuable knowledge in an easy-to-remember fashion. Lydia Nevzorova imparts her wisdom and experience in a friendly conversational style that appeals to all levels of horse people.

This peerless atlas of equine management is an asset to every horse owner’s library.

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