Archive for the ‘NHE Publishing’ Category

We are glad to announce that the ninth issue of “NHE Equine Anthology” is ready.

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

SCHOOL Collection: Dead or Alive Alexander Nevzorov describes the difference between natural collection and so popular in dressage roll–kur.

Donna Condrey–Miller Official NHE Representative in California, USA
HORSE REVOLUTION Rodeo: Intimate details of a national shame When talking about rodeo we can only be surprised at how shameless the fairy tales are about this horrible activity. In bullfighting there is a least some semblance of an operatic storyline explaining the sequence of events, although the horse is ill-fated from the beginning. Rodeo is just a typical and primitive way for absolute idiots to have fun. Even the word idiot sounds a bit complementary towards these guys in hats and the audience who watch the rodeo.

Hackamore Let’s take a look at the secret of the effect of the hackamore, sidepull, bosal, medikana, caveson, kapcung and Parelli halter.

 RESEARCH Endogenous mechanisms of modification of pain sensitivity in horses There is quite a lot known nowadays about pain, anatomical structures and physiological processes which condition the processes of pain reception, perception, modification of this perception, emotional reactions to pain and the generation of response to pain. This article deals with two small but important aspects of pain sensation which are crucial for understanding how horses perceive pain and react to it. These aspects are responses to noxious stimuli and endogenous mechanisms of modification of pain sensitivity in horses.

REVIEWS Peacemonger… or The Art of Rumination In this issue we introduce a review by Alexander Nevzorov on a book by Michael Peace The Q&A Guide to Understanding Your Horse.

CARTULARIUM Krall’s Book Among all the lifetime editions of Karl Krall’s book, it is the fourth lifetime edition (Leipzig, 1912) that is the most important and valuable for the researcher.

Rene Fransua “Essay about Some Wonders of Natureand the Noblest Tricks”. The book by Rene Fransua belongs to a number of hyppological rarities. This “Essay about Some Wonders of Nature and the Noblest Tricks” was published in Ruan at the royal publishing house owned by Jan Osmond in accordance with the order by Ludouwick the XII. 

THE HORSE CRUCIFIED AND RISEN BY ALEXANDER NEVZOROV Epilogue The last chapter of the long-awaited book by Alexander Nevzorov.
COLLOQUIUM Interview with Lydia Nevzorova

To order;

Paddocks and Shelters by Lydia Nevzorova

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Paddocks and Shelters portrays the reality of horse keeping in order to help horse owners honestly and objectively evaluate their own properties or boarding facilities.

A unique format of comprehensive and relevant photo illustrations comprise this handbook that guides you to make the best choices when arranging and constructing your horses’ paddocks and shelters, as well as alerting you to hazardous, yet all too common practices. Concise, clear captions and comments provide numerous responsible options for safe and comfortable equine habitats, along with what to avoid and why.  Expert advice from seasoned horse owners outlines effective, appealing solutions for everything from fencing materials to water troughs – all with the best interest of the horse in mind.

This book is the translation of the popular Russian book, Paddocks and Shelters by Lydia Nevzorova, which leads off the Nevzorov Haute Ecole series on Equine Management which includes volumes on stable setup, hoof care, blanketing and more.  This insightful series offers a revolutionary approach to horse keeping in a handy format brimming with valuable knowledge in an easy-to-remember fashion. Lydia Nevzorova imparts her wisdom and experience in a friendly conversational style that appeals to all levels of horse people.

This peerless atlas of equine management is an asset to every horse owner’s library.

to order;


What to do to get HCR into colleges and public libraries

Saturday, March 10th, 2012

 Many people ask why our book is not available in their libraries and in countries outside the US.
If you would like our book to be available in libraries, please contact your local library or college library and request  them to obtain  it. It is possible to order on-line!
It would be great for all equine colleges to have “The Horse Crucified and Risen”. If you are a member of such a college, please tell your teachers and librarians about  the book.  Colleges can acquire it through a separate distribution for a special low price.

Use one of the following ISBN:
ISBN-10: 1463752156
ISBN-13: 978-1463752156

Horse Crucified and Risen stand among Equine Best Seller Book!

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

The book that was a bestseller in Russia, ‘The Horse Encyclopedia’ by Alexander Nevzorov is receiving the same popularity in its English edition. ”The Horse Crucified and Risen” book sales is one of the best equine book sold on Amazon.

Anthology vol 8 is now available

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

To order;


How I Choose Horses

I can surely say that even if we use the most serious approach in choosing a horse, even if we have an incredible quantity of hippological, veterinary, behavioral and biomechanical knowledge, the “main” horses in our lives are not “chosen”, they just “happen”.

This rule holds true even when a horse has to be chosen for professional work in the cinema for a show, for television or photography – in other words, business, with the obligatory need to teach the horse basics or the whole Haute Ecole.

Alexander Nevzorov shares his story of how he chooses his horses. (more…)

LEP press-release

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Nevzorov Haute Ecole is delighted to announce that the new film production by Alexander Nevzorov, “Lectio Eqvaria Palaestra” (“Manege Horse Reading”) is now complete and will soon be released on DVD in English language version.


The two hour film brings to life the famous quote by Albert Einstein: “Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimension”.

 It is a large-scale epic narration of the history of a practice called L.E.P.* – giving simple and irrefutable evidence that the mind is not solely a human prerogative. 

* LEP – Lectio Eqvaria Palaestra

Nevzorov Haute Ecole is the new way of horsemanship, based on partnership with the horse, without punishment.


Coming soon the movie; LECTIO EQUARIA PALAESTRA

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

By Sascha Day

While the rest of the world continues to be mesmerized by Alexander Nevzorov’s school and the revelation of a horse’s ability to be taught and perform difficult school elements without pain and force, Alexander has been developing further by teaching his horses to read.

Big Sale on Books DVD’s and more…

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

Don’t miss your chance and order now 

Are you looking for a special gift or souvenir? Visit our shop for some great ideas



Horse Diary

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

The Horse Diary is a complete horse record organizer containing 128 pages of fill-in-the-blank forms. It is designed to help horse owners organize and manage important equine information. Keep track of daily rations, blanketing schemes, hoof trimming, dental care, First-Aid kit and emergency plans. All of your records for vaccinations, deworming and general health control will be in one place. Detailed charts provide handy reference for body condition scores and important measurements that make it easy to monitor growth, development and health throughout your horse’s life. Using the checklists for monthly routines and yearly plans will keep your entire facility and program running smoothly and safely. A lesson diary and pages for extra notes help you tailor your training and management…All this and much more in one concise portable book. 
Prominent horse-owners trust our Horse Diary and their horses are in perfect condition. 
Nevzorov Haute Ecole knows better how to treat horses.

Order your Horse Diary here;

Anniversary discounts

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

Dear friends,

We are happy to announce that the new issue of “NHE Equine Anthology” is ready.
In this issue read the interview with Lydia Nevzorova where she shatters the myths and rumors about NHE. 

This month we celebrate the 7th anniversary of HR and the NHE School!
As part of the celebration we have a special offer.
For those customers who buy a McAfee product through our website we will give special discounts and benefits during August!
Buy one of McAfee or Bit Defender products via the NHE shop and get:
 - 40% discount for all NHE films
- 70% discount for the Anthology
With this offer you will receive Antivirus for 3 users almost FREE!
To obtain your discount code, follow 3 simple steps
1.    Log into the NHE shop and click on the McAfee or Bit Defender banner
2.    Buy one McAfee or Bit Defender product
3.    Send the McAfee order confirmation to [email protected] and tell us what NHE product you want. You will receive an individual discount code.

Hurry! The offer is available for one week only!
Even if you do not buy any of NHE products you can support NHE!
Buying McAfee products via our Shop will help the Horse Revolution!

 Please Visit our Shop!