The Channel One Russia has broadcasted film by Alexander Nevzorov “L.E.P.”

The Channel One Russia has broadcasted the new film by Alexander Nevzorov “Lectio Equaria Palaestra” also known as “L.E.P.”

Kaogi Ich-Ichaga with his teacher

“This film is more about humans than about horses» – said Alexander Nevzorov shortly before the premiere. – “It is based upon the history and the modern reality of the so-called “L.E.P.” – an ancient enclosed practice which easily and conclusively shows that the intelligence is, unfortunately, not the privilege or special trait of humans only. L.E.P. proves that the intelligence is peculiar to the other living beings. We are talking of the real, convincing and full-fledged intelligence in it’s usual manifestations. The intelligence which humans always considered to be their exclusive perk”.

It is clear that the film with the message which is so uncomfortable for the anthropocentric ideology was greeted with anger even before it was broadcasted. It is also clear that, in spite of the dudgeon of certain amount of people, the broadcast took place. It was accompanied with the talk-show where a number of famous journalists, scientists and public figures participated.

Alexander Nevzorov with famous russian artist Nikolay Kopeykin during the shooting of the talk-show.

During the shooting of the talk-show yet another scandal broke out. It was, however, quite academic. It became clear that none of the opponents neither understood nor was able to understand the main idea of the film or the realization of its idea.In the interview for the NHE magazine Alexander Nevzorov made this comment on the opponent’s level: «All of their notions are completely superficial, of the newspaperish-internetish kind and extremely decorative ones. Their main principle to which they firmly stick is this – “I don’t know anything about it, but I can talk about it». Such a degree of the absolute ignorance assumes the possibility of keeping any conversation. There was no fair questions asked because the theme is completely unknown to the opponents. Not a single fair question was asked».

The real it of the opponents quality was the president of Russian equestrian federation, someone named Seleznev, who was invited to provide some style for the show. The only meaningful phrase said by this man (who is respectable in quite a certain spectrum of people) was this: “Yes, the bits do make horses feel pain». Any other of his declarations sounded poorly. As Alexander Nevzorov told: «He (Seleznev) held a short exam, as he suggested himself to be my opponent. Mr. Seleznev had failed the exam and became very silent».

Opponents of L.E.P. are always failed

Scandalous details of the talk-show and some facts concerning the film appeared in mass-media which was ready for the premiere after publishing a number of different articles. The articles of all kinds: from the honest brave attempts of analysis to the plain anger and envy to the authors of this momentous event. Though the public reaction towards the film has reached its real level after the first screening of “L.E.P.”. All the significant media gave their opinion on the film.The film hits the top-three of the most discussed films in Russia and sometimes it gets to the first place.The NHE magazine and site gets hundreds of letters: bewildered, angry, insulted, inspired and passionate ones.The Russian part of the School’s official site hardly endures the avalanche of the visitors.

It is clear that all of these are the results of the first hand shock. It is also clear, that the deepest insights lie ahead. But it is clear as a day, that if at the time of the «Horse Encyclopedia» the equestrian world was divided, then now “L.E.P” divided into the two camps all of the Russian public (as the film was only screened in Russian).The first camp are of those who will at any cost persist on their right to call themselves the crown of creation and to destroy and despise everything around them. They would demand to give them the refutations, they will cry and brawl but they will not understand anything.

But on the other side of the firing line stand those who measure the surrounding reality with the truth, distinct knowledge and scientific facts. Those who can understand “L.E.P.” and its main idea. For those the things shown in the movie are more than sufficient.

NHE students after the shooting.

Photos by Lydia Nevzorova, Natalya Bykova and Alina Nos.