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Please send your emails to .

[4] Thank you very much. your amazing

Hi. having seen a clip of your work on a website i thought i would come and visite you main website. I think what you do is amazing. The horses must have so much trust and also the humans. Thank you very much. your amazing.

Zoe Heath

[3] Now my view on horsemanship has changed completely

Before I saw your site, I was taught to ride using bits and straps, and having constant contact with the horse's mouth. But now, my view on horsemanship has changed completely, and I just cannot believe how cruel man can be, using harsh restraints and inhumane punishments to 'break' the horse's spirit! I support your acheivements with your beautiful horses 100% and I am now in FULL disagreement with the use of any devices, leather or metal, or any so-called 'methods' used by greedy, needy people.

Abbie Hallam

[2] Everyone should watch it at least once!

I just wanted to say how powerful the DVD 'The Horse Crucified and Risen' was. It was beautifully made and, although I would find parts very difficult to watch again (Annabel been burnt due to the church and its beleifs) especially, I think everyone should watch it at least once.

You are amazing people and just what the horse world needs - a look into the mirror of their souls. Although I cried for hours afterwards the part I most liked was that of the Yahoo!

It is wonderful that you have had the bravery that is lacking everywhere else to stand up and tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Michele Walton, United Kingdom

December, 11, 2007

[1] Thank you for what you do.

I would like to thank you for what you do for horses in Norway. I have been on some of your lectures and must I say that I find them very interesting. I feel delighted that someone deals with problems like this when it comes to horses. I look at the world in a different way now, and I am happy that I do.

Thank you for what you do.

Marianne Hansen

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