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[9] There is nothing more beautiful than the relations between you and horses

Let me send you a message to tell you all my emotions.

There is nothing more beautiful than the relations between you and horses. It's worth  knowing there are still people like you.The respect from horses for you and vice versa is unvaluable.The freedom of your horses lead to their  happiness contrary to horses who are too much bridled.

I would like so much get some pieces of advice from you. I express once again all my respect I  have for you and your school.

Yours sincerely.
Quentin Marchandise

April 09, 2007

[8] Your website is a valuable tool to spread the word

I have just spent time looking at all the photos, some will stay in my mind for a long time. I lived in Egypt for 6 years, the first time I saw an Arab Bit I was shocked. If you apply the slightest pressure a razor sharp steel point stabs the horse in the roof of their mouth. Everybody used this bit, to make the horses perform piaffe, I was completely ignorant as to the extend that people were prepared to use such horrific pieces of equipment in order to achieve the desired results. I saw horses be exercised until they were bleeding from their noses, some died in the process. Since coming back to England I repeatedly see owners ending up using pieces of tack that force their horses mouths shut, nobody ever questions this. When will people realise that it is pointless to treat the symtoms, it is the cause of the undesired behaviour that needs to be addressed. Please make a visit to England, you would have a lot of support here, although if I had horses like yours I do not think I could ever tear myself away from them.

Your website is a valuable tool to spread the word!

Best regards

Lesley Williams (Once a student of Parelli – but no longer as I know what damage this can do)

March 09, 2007

[7] I was hooked!

I was very moved by the Haute Ecole principles video. It was very dramatic and catchy; one of the best videos I have ever seen in the horse industry..I was hooked! THank you! The research and work you have done is inspiring, I truly believe all of this will make a difference in the future!


[6] Your website is simply astonishing!

Your website is simply astonishing! It speaks of another time and another place. I have spent so much time watching it every since I discovered it... only yesterday. Plus, your photography is of such lavish beauty.

Chara Luboff

[5] Keep up your great work!

First of all, I wanted to express my admiration for your work. I have seen many horsetrainers at work, varying from classical to modern dressage and Natural Horsemanship, but I have never seen something so beautiful and inspiring as the photo's on your website.
It's truly wonderfull to see a horse and a trainer co-operate like this, without any pressure from bits or ropes.
Keep up your great work!


Calijn de Jong

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