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Please send your emails to .

[14] THe people using horses for thier own sporting pleasure should be SHOT...

I have seen some pictures on this web site, and they made me cry, I own a horse, and he is shoeless, and I drive him without a bit, That is the way that it should be, the people using horses for thier own sporting pleasure should be SHOT .

Denise Guitard

[13] My collection of iron will no longer be placed in the mouths of equines...

I wanted to express my appreciation after viewing the "Horse Enclyopaedia" recently. I trim barefooted horses for others and my own. I have an extensive collection of bits which I can no longer regard in the same way, thanks to your film. I can be thankful that my collection of iron will no longer be placed in the mouths of equines. I have been a believer in iron free hooves longer than the idea of being bitless but that will now change.

I would also like to say that the scenes showing riding abuses brought back memories of my early beginnings with horses. While I have improved, there is still much room for improvement yet.

Thank you,

Anne Coley

[12] My mind has just change

It´s one of my daughters riding trainers who advise me to watch your page. I can´t find words to explain how impress I feel. Thank you, because I have never seen horses from this perspertive. My mind has just change

Susana Pastor

February 08, 2007

[11] While watching the film, I felt compelled to cry...

To Mr. Alexander Nevzorov, or to whom ever else it may concern;

I purchased your movie "The Horse Crucified and Risen" , and I have never seen anything like this before. I cannot tell you how much Alexander Nevzorov, of whom I had never heard of before made such an impression on me. While watching the film, I felt compelled to cry, sigh in astonishment and relief, and also smile, for someone has finally started to lead the way in letting a horse simply be a horse, to liberate them with such care and consideration for their spirit and their freedom to express it. I am truly joyous!

I was raised with the Arabian breed for several of years. My Instructor would not tolerate any abuse nor neglect of the horses. She was a very gentle person, and loved her horses very much, but she was ignorant, we have all been ignorant. I truly never knew that the bridle and bit caused the horse so much pain, and I will never use those methods again, nor will I condone any sporting activities ever again! What your film has showed me is that there is a way to truly bond with your horse and have a trust that is 100% with both the horse and rider. To motivate the horse with love and trust instead of fear.

I have recently moved to a quiet little country home with forty acres. I plan on purchasing a horse this spring, and all that I have and will continue to learn, will apply with this horse and all others I have in the future.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Ginger Clevenger

January 24, 2007

[10] There are no words to express our feelings

Only a short while ago did I discover your website, whàt a shame I didn’t see it much sooner! Nevertheless, it’s never too late to learn and I’m eager to learn more about doing things right with and for my horses. I ride bitless, shoeless and treeless, started my little gelding 4 years ago with the help of the Parelli methode but I did not enjoy the agression in some “games” and have been looking for softer ways to have fun together.

Parelli did teach me that whenever things go wrong , it’s never the horses fault but mine! Have started clicker training but am not very good at it yet, my timing’s not quick enough. I don’t allways feel the need to ride my horse, we often just spend time with eachother, go for long walks (in liberty) I just enjoy his and the others company, taking care of them, watching them. What you achieve with your horses is like a dream, I hope to be as good for mine!

I will promote your work, if I’m allowed a couple of foto’s that I can use on my site! Friends to whom I’ve allready sent your link, where shocked to see the pictures of cruelty, there are no words to express our feelings!


Thank you very much,
kind regards,

Cathy Lowers

March 11, 2007

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