El Silencio de los Caballos

The Silence of the Horses

In this first book, David Castro condenses reflections arising from his life with horses inquiring about cultural paradigms that underlie human bonding behavior and questions the fact that man awarded himself the rights of dominance over the other living beings and the natural environment.

His work on educating horses, beside the research and training within Nevzorov Haute Ecole, has led him to make a comprehensive review of everything known regarding the man-horse relationship.

With a prose that reveals a brilliant and sensitive intellectual within this former horse tamer and children’s teacher, the author leads the reader to extend an introspective look into the connection with the “other”, even unintentionally.

This book is recommended not only for those wishing to make contact with horses for the first time, or for beginners who seek to cultivate a better way to interact with them, but also for anyone interested deepening in the understanding of human behavior.

The attractive and powerful images captured by Chilean photographer Mariana Domic enliven this journey about horses and humans possibilities.

Title : The silence of the Horses

Language: Spanish

160  pgs . B&W

170mm x 240 mm


David Castro. 2015


Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/El-Silencio-de-los-Caballos/374408279425151?ref=profile

Mail contact: [email protected]