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The difference of Nevzorov Haute Ecole from other schools and ways of horsemanship


 The same table in Italian - kindly translated by Alex Brollo (pdf, 73 Kb)

 The same table in French - kindly translated by Frédéric Mathieu (pdf, 64 Kb)

 Equestrian sport (EQ)

Natural Horsemanship (NH)

Traditional Haute Ecole (the High School - HS) 

Nevzorov Haute Ecole (NHE)


Principles (ideology)


 Training tools


Punishment and coercion


Horse’s health

Horse’s professional diseases



Horse’s age

Hippological knowledge 

Horse keeping


Attitude to the Equestrian Sport



Copyright © NEVZOROV HAUTE ECOLE, 2004 - 2012.

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When using in any form any textual, audio, photo or video materials, reference to HauteEcole.ru is required.
When reproducing in full or partially any textual materials in the Internet please make reference (as hyperlink) to HauteEcole.ru.

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