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Nevzorov Haute Ecole

Olesya Rodina - NHE official representative in Ukraine

What an endless happiness is running near by a free horse! 
He is wild! He is runaway! His nostrils are swelling, he is breathing…
He is flying! He is so grateful for this freedom!
And you are beside him; you are running like the wind,
knowing: “this is – happiness!”

Once in my childhood I had seen a nightmare. It was a holiday. It was in May. I was walking along the wide street carrying a blooded horse’s head in my arms. I was lapping it to my breast and crying. And there were many faceless riders around me, they were riding and lashing in a furious, violent saltation. Air was heavy and full of dust. My heart was breaking…

And now, after so many years have passed by, I still see this voiceless question in horse’s eyes. The scream faced to me. And a human near a horse is visible through: a monster who is cherishing broken marionettes; a cruel infant crippling everything living in the name of its own ego… Or a courageous searcher, a light child, thirsting for the Truth and knowledge…

I have travelled much in my life. And in every place, when I used to found horses, I saw the same: proud and greedy people and enslaved horses.

But only here, in this School I have finally found the thing I’ve been looking for: horse’s eyes, which are shining with happiness…

There is one woman I know… An old smiling woman in our neighborhood. She takes care of her paralyzed, disabled husband, a veteran. But all homeless cats and dogs come to her little flowered yard. The woman talks to them with warm words; she heals them, feeds them and gently touches their heads… When I see this old person I always want to embrace her because this tired and laden with grief woman has not lost her love.

And I would like to wish to all horsemen not to lose their love to horses. Don’t lose this feeling which was born in your hearts when you came to a horse for the first time, in your childhood; when you looked to horse’s eyes and touched a horse for the very first time.

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