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March 2009 marks the release of the first issue of the professional hippological School journal “Nevzorov Haute Ecole Equine Anthology”.

We decided to begin publishing this journal because the truth can’t remain the property of one country or be spoken about in one language: those changes, which are now happening in relationships between humans and horses – are happening everywhere, all around the world, and people who have never seen each other are asking the same questions.

What is the horse?
Who are we to horses?
What in actual truth happens between a horse and a human?

Luckily, the horse is an exact science.

We must begin by referring to the horse not as a tool or an instrument, not as a programmed piece of meat or a collection of our unfounded ideas about her – and it becomes possible to answer all of these really difficult questions. Anatomy, physiology, history, anthropology, psychology, veterinary science – all the spheres of knowledge, connected by the great human desire to truly understand the horse for the very first time, give us these answers. The answers we will fairly and fully publish on the pages of the “Nevzorov Haute Ecole Equine Anthology”, no matter how tough or unpleasant they are.

Our journal is hippological, we scrupulously study everything that has to do with the horse. This is why among our materials there will be treatises from the world’s leading veterinarians, articles on hippological history, interviews with people who make equine history today and scientific analysis of so-called equestrian sport and other horse-destroying entertainments.

The experience of publishing the journal in Russia, and its dramatically increasing circulation clearly show that the questions we touch upon on our pages are important for everyone. The quantity of both legal and illegal copies of our materials in different countries – is evidence that the truth has the same value worldwide.

When we are asked what our journal is about, we always say that “Nevzorov Haute Ecole Equine Anthology” is a journal about love and hate. The fact is that the School, which has always possessed a special knowledge, can speak about love from a scientific point of view and speak about hate with the confidence of victory over it.

Copyright © NEVZOROV HAUTE ECOLE, 2004 - 2012.

All rights to all materials published on this site are reserved under the Russian and international legislation on copyright and allied rights.
When using in any form any textual, audio, photo or video materials, reference to HauteEcole.ru is required.
When reproducing in full or partially any textual materials in the Internet please make reference (as hyperlink) to HauteEcole.ru.

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