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NHE Equine Anthology Vol.6, 2010

School. Lovisa Nillson

When I joined the forum I realized not only did I have a lot to learn (and still do), I had quite a lot to unlearn as well. The School brought about a whole new perspective, not only about horses but about the essence of life itself. Looking back at the time I pursued equestrian sports I can honestly say I do not like the person I was.

The official NHE representative in Sweden Lovisa Nillson represents her story.

Horse Revolution. Vets

Veterinary science is an extremely morbid topic. It is very hard and cruel, and we are stupid to continue hiding from it, we must remember the importance of the role of these people in horses' lives. Any discussion about modern veterinary science is very serious and extremely important, but it would be premature to persecute vets without first looking into their scientific reports. It was a good idea to wait for the appearance of an official and honest document, in which they would persecute themselves, with all mercilessness and all demonstrativeness.

And "Robinson" can readily be called such a document. Its authority is proven by that fact that everything that is written there, is written by vets with different areas of expertise, there is not one word written by an unqualified person.

In this article Alexander Nevzorov analyzes the veterinary science and claims that it is now the ONLY medical discipline that DOES NOT have the aim to save the patient's life and to preserve their health.

"The Horse Crucified and Risen" by Alexander Nevzorov. Chapter three. Training

The third chapter of the long-awaited book by Alexander Nevzorov.


Cartularium. The curb

This issue represents and describes the unique curb from Europe (the beginning of the XVIIth century) - absolute rarity.

* * * * *

"Nevzorov Haute Ecole Equine Anthology" is available  in *.pdf format for downloading through the Internet. The issue is available in the on-line store.

We recommend the Adobe Reader for reading the pdf files.


Price: $5.

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