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The Horse Crucified and Risen / Film - The Horse Crucified and Risen (Horse Encyclopaedia) by Alexander Nevzorov
12 Subtitle: Courbette12.1 A.Nevzorov (on screen): The performing of so-called airs above the ground is compulsory while educating a school horse. There is a great variation such kind of exercises - croupade, ballotade, capriole, but all they originated from the only one – courbette. 12.2 A.Nevzorov (off screen): A horse must be prepared for courbette. It must be well developed physically and balanced to be able to walk on its hind legs at least 14 steps, and it must easily rise in the position of pesade under a horseman. 12.3 A.Nevzorov (on screen): The technology of courbette is very simple: a horse rises almost in the position of vertical pesade, pushes itself out and jumps ahead and up, but it must land only on its hind legs. 12.4 A.Nevzorov (off screen): The very complexity of preparation of a Haute Ecole horse, the very close contact with it and high requirements to its physical state absolutely disprove the theory that Haute Ecole’s movements are designed for military purposes. One should have the right knowledge of a military horse to understand the dilettantism of the theory. Moreover, one should have a look at the history of the past centuries to realize what a war cost for the horse. |
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