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Alexander Nevzorov Nezvorov Haute Ecole The Horse Crucified and Risen Lidia Nevzorova Horse Revolution Iron-Free Horse
Horses School F.A.Q. Photogallery News Friends Press Journal

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Friends / Silke Vallentin

Silke Vallentin


  • Michael Bevilacqua
    Michael Bevilacqua, our associate from Canada. Striving for horse and man to live in harmony.

  • Equiworld
    Very good equine searsh engine for all horse relared topics in whole the world.

  • Barefoot-Saddle
    Intenet-shop in Norway that sells treeless saddles, bitless bridles, books and videos, and some outdoor wears and equipment. The site owner's goal is to sell stuff he considers is for the benefit of the horse.

  • Americanhorsenetwork
    One of the best equine search engines in the world net.

  • www.silkevallentin.de
    Personal Site of Silke Vallentine

  • Honza Blaha
    Site of our friend Honza Blaha

  • www.clickryder.com
    The best site about clicker training.

  • Naturalhorseworld by Cynthia Cooper
    This site is published by Cynthia Cooper who is dedicated to helping people understand the physical, mental and emotional well being of the whole horse through instructing Natural Horsemanship and Natural horse care.

  • Australian Rep & Associate Clinician for The Bitle

  • HomoCaballus
    Site of our friend and Nevzorov Haute Ecole follower from Spain.

  • Animal Companions & Hoofcare
    The site of Anya - our friend and follower of Nevzorov Haute Ecole, an animal trainer... she considers that "it's the 2 legged animals that require the most training!" She is also a barefoot hoofcare practitioner.

  • Natural horse and Natural trimming
    It is about the Natural horse and Natural trimming etc. The site owners can teach people how to find that elusive 'sound' horse in mind, body and spirit through natural horsekeeping/feeding/trimming..etc. Cure and prevent lameness and behavior problems.

  • Friends of horse breeds of the former U.S.S.R
    Information about Karabagh, Budjonny, Don, Achal-Tekkiner, Kabardinian, Tersk horses and others situated in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italia.
    You will find sections in English, Italian, Dutch and even Russian.

  • Cecilia.
    Our friend and follower of Nevzorov Haute Ecole from Sweden. Barefoot and bitless, trailriding business, webshop.

  • Equine Behaviour
    Better horsemanship through feel and understanding.
    With Donald Newe, Horse Gentler,
    for you and your horse at your place...

  • Strasser hoofcare world wide
    "Strasser" Webseiten: Deutschland/Österreich

  • Verband der Hufpfleger und Hufheilpraktiker nach D

  • Hufklinik in Österreich - in der Nähe vo

  • www.hoofcare.de
    Website von Peter Speckmaier, IfH, Abt. Ausbildung und Seminare. Hufheilpraktiker und Chiron-Lehrer.Infos zu Ausbildung, Hufseminare, Darstellung Hufmechanismus.

  • www.strasserhoofcareaustralia.com
    Australien Strasser Hoofcare Website.

  • www.thehorseshoof.com
    The Horses Hoof Magazin edited by Yvonne Welz.

  • www.theaebm.org
    Australien Equine Barefoot Movement Inc.

  • www.zenequine.com
    Canadian Strasser Hoofcare Website.

  • www.ibem.org.uk
    Institute of barefoot equine management. England.

  • www.animalrights.lt
    Website of animal rights movement in Lithuania.

  • AnimalWelfare
    A repository of constantly updated and revised horse care and management articles that strongly emphasise horse welfare.

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