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News Alexander Nezvorov Nezvorov Haute Ecole Horses Lydia Nevzorova Horse Revolution
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Nevzorov Haute Ecole

Maurizio Patti - NHE official representative in Italy


ICQ 394783260

I came across horses very late in my life and my first horse experience was breaking my arm falling off from it. Usually when someone gets hurt from an experience like this, the first reaction is: “From now on I won’t have anything to do with horses anymore”. Instead I got this wonderful feeling of wanting to know them even more.

Knowing nothing about horses, I started with the traditional method and in just two months I realised it was not suitable for me. I could not watch people asking horses to lift their legs to clean hooves by kicking on their legs.

My searching took me to join NH and after that I bought my first horse, Mr. Cypro who had been left for seven months in a box as the owner had a cancer and couldn’t look after him. Anyone can image the conditions of him.

The first time we met I was two hundred metres away from him and although the vet was there going to check if everything was ok with him I had already decided I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.

Going back to NH I spent almost two years practising it but I was still not happy and couldn’t see a real and deep relationship with horses. I didn’t know what to think at that time.

By then, my daughter had some friends who were doing jumping competitions and she wished she could be there with her friends doing the same things they were doing…..jumping! So the owner of the stable told my daughter he knew someone who had a beautiful jumping horse on sale. The owner of the horse was a young boy and we were told that this boy couldn’t ride anymore and that that was the reason why his parents were selling it. They brought the horse to the stable, we didn’t know but the horse was under tranquillizing as they actually couldn’t ride it anymore. We thought she was a very calm and peaceful horse. Her name is Mrs Lency and after the vet check I decided to buy her for my daughter. As a result, a few days later, she did not allow anyone to ride her anymore and everyone started to call her “the crazy mare”. She was used to do jumping competition and I guess she got so whipped and pulled on her mouth that she got so tired she would throw everyone off her back.

In the meantime I was still searching to see what was there to improve my horse’s life and I found out about barefoot.

I thought it was very important for my horses to be able to touch and feel the hearth, so I decided to take irons off their hooves. In the meantime I did a course to learn more about it and at the same time I got registered on a barefoot forum and started to study to have a better knowledge of hooves to then be able to trim them myself.

The way I discovered NHE was that in this barefoot forum someone posted Nevzorov’s link saying: "For who may like to see some particular dressage, please go and see this site and enjoy it".

As curious as I am I immediately linked to it.

Watching it was like breathing some really fresh air and that closed door, where I used to keep all my feelings, suddenly opened. WOW…. I was very impressed! But what really impressed me was not what Alexander could do with his horses as elements but him sitting on Perst, hugging him while he was lay down with his four legs standing up on the air. This was really what I was looking for as a relationship.

From that moment a new world came alive and my horse, everyone around me and I have had positively benefit from it. Everything got a new colour and my feelings got higher and higher seeing my horse changing and feel happy, strong (both physically and mentally) and also extremely alive.

I take this opportunity to thank Alexander and Lydia for what they have done and still do for horses.

I would also like to thank Michael Bevilacqua who has been, for me, the perfect mirror of NHE.

Copyright © NEVZOROV HAUTE ECOLE, 2004 - 2012.

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