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Anti-sport clinic in Croatia. 10 February 2007This clinic took place on 10th February 2007 at the very famous horsebreading facility named Visnjica at the east of Croatia. The clinic was for free and was attained by cca 75 people. Martina Jurisa's 3 hours' presentation had 3 parts:
Martina's goal was to show people what a bit is doing to the horses all around the world, how it is used to control horses causng them a lot of pain as well as fear, afterwards she wanted to show them that there is another way i.e. not using a bit without loosing a control, and at the end, Martina wanted to show them that it is possible to develop a friendship based on mutual respect and comunication and not on domination with unbelivable results and happy horses that were not humiliated or hurt in any way. |
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