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_Carmen Barrett_*
post 28.5.2008, 9:26
Post #1


I've was introduced to NHE just last week and was very excited and relieved to know that there are principles such as yours.

I'm not an overly experience horseperson. I learnt to ride when I was 10 (not very well) and later in my early thirties (again not very well) (I am now 39) I was living on property that enabled me to enjoy having horses around me. I have never been comfortable about the 'traditional' way horses are ridden and I haven't really enjoyed riding a horse as I felt they didn't want it. I kept thinking I wouldn't want that thing (bit) in my mouth or have anyone sitting on my back!

I noticed that some people seemed to 'dominate' horses and call it a partnership. I read a little on Monty Roberts and Pat Parelli and found them really interesting (particularly Pat Parelli) but I found that it all ended up with putting saddles, halters and/or bits on. I wasn't on this property long approx 2 years. I moved from acreage into the town centre and only occasionally visited the horses. That was seven years ago.

I just recently fell in love with an 18yr Thoroughbred mare that was saved from the 'doggers'. She had only been on the property where I used to live for two weeks. For whatever reason I went for a ride (with saddle and halter, no bit) the first one in seven years. After several days, I still couldn't stop thinking about her and knew I had to be with her. That was about eight weeks ago. Since then my friend who is very experienced in horses has been teaching me more leadership methods through body language and how to communicate with horses. She gave me a book on Monty Roberts and then a video on natural horsemanship etc. After doing a bit of reading and watching dvds I mentioned to her that this is not what I'm after. I don't need nor want to ride her. I don't want to 'dominate' her. I just want to be able to understand her. I want her to be a horse. That's when my friend introduced me to NHE.

I'm very green when it comes to horses (I'm hoping this is a good thing) and I'm really looking forward to connecting and playing with my new friend.


Reason for edit: removed full quote of original post
post 23.6.2008, 15:40
Post #2


Ich weis nicht ob mich auf Deutsch jemand verstehen kann hab die Seite automatisch übersetzt!! Kann ein Russisch oder Englisch.

Also ich wollte Fragen ob es nicht doch eine Möglichkeit gibt mich bei ihrem Forum anzumelden?
Ich habe folgendes Problem:

Ich bin voll beeindruckt von NHE und versuche es mit Hilfe einer Internetfreundin (Russin) seit April zu machen. Es funktioniert so super und es hat mir die Augen geöffnet über Pferde ich hätte mir nie ertreumen lassen das so eine Beziehung mit Pferden möglich ist. Es war mir aber schon immer bewust das es nicht richtig sein kann nur mit Gewalt und kraft sein Pferd beherrschen zu müssen und so hab ich mich vor 2 Jahren auf die Suche nach alternativen begeben! Nach jarelangem Dressurreiten und schräcklichen momenten hab ich begonnen Klassisch zu reiten was mir sehr gefallen hat aber noch immer nicht mein erfüllter Traum war bis ich dann auf euer Video im Youtube gestoßen bin und ich voll und ganz begeistert war!!!!

Ich habe auch vor 8 Jahren begonnen meine Pferde auf barfuß umzustellen und bin vollkommen überzeugt das es nichts besseres gibt als sein Pferd so natürlich wie möglich ist zu halten und zu betreuen!

Ich habe einen eigenen Stall mit 30 Pferden leider mus ich von meinem Einstellbetrieb und Reitunterricht leben bzw. meinen Stall erhalten und kann somit nicht von heute auf morgen alles schliesen und nicht mehr Unterricht geben was ich natürlich aber am liebsten sofort machen würde!!!!!

Immer mehr verstehe ich was NHE wirklich bedeutet umso schweerer fällt mir meine Arbeit aber umsomehr erfreut mich die Beziehung die ich zu meinen 2 eigenen Pferden aufbaue ein wahrer Traum! Ich möchte unbedingt wenns irgendwie möglich ist meinen Betrieb umstellen auf eine Pferdegerechte Arbeit aber wie gesagt es ist nicht leicht denn wenn ich von heute auf morgen alles umschmeise werden mir meine Kunden wegbleiben und ich müste meinen Hof verkaufen und das möchte ich natürlich auch nicht!

Ich habe eure Regeln gelesen und mir ist bewust das ich nicht in eurem Forum mitmachen kann solange ich noch Unterrichte aber ich hoffe das ich es irgendwann schaffe meinen Betriieb auch ohne Einstell und Schulbetrieb zu erhalten und hoffe das ich dann mitmachen darf! Bis dahin werde ich üben und versuchen meine 2 Pferden ein schönes freies Leben zu ermöglichen und lösungen zu finden die es den Schulpferden erleichtern ihre Arbeit zu machen sowie geißloser Unterricht und mal schauen was ich da alles machen kann....

Ich würde mich aber sehr freuen wenn irgendwehr vielleicht tips hätte kann mir vortellen das es auch andere gibt die vor so einem Problem stehen und mich würde es interresieren wies so manche geschafft haben alles Umzustellen ich bin offen für alles und sofort bereit alles zu änderen solange ich meine Existens nicht bedrohe da habe leider gegenüber anderen eine große Verantwortung!
Maksida Vogt
post 23.6.2008, 16:03
Post #3

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From: Germany
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Hallo Sabrina,

alle Menschen die einen besseren Weg im Sinne der Pferde suchen, sind willkommen in dem Newcomer Forum der NHE. Wir haben auch in Deutschland Stlle wo die Menschen nur gebisslos reiten, es gibt keinen Grund den Pferden solche Schmerzen wie mit dem Gebiss zuzufgen.
Ich kann Deine Situation sehr gut nachvollziehen. Es gibt aber immer einen Weg wenn man sich entschliesst das Richtige zu tun. In unserem Forum gibt es Menschen die Ihre Reitbetriebe geschlossen haben. Gerade die sind solche, die etwas verndern knnen. Deine Gefhle tuschen dich nicht.
Ich stehe Dir gerne zur Verfgung wenn du Hilfe in der Umsetzung unserer Philosophie brauchst.

[email protected]
post 23.6.2008, 16:11
Post #4

Group: Inactive
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Joined: 3.2.2008
From: Lunteren, The Netherlands
Member No.: 4534

Hallo Sabrina,
Also ich verstehe dich auch wenn du Deutsch schreibst, aber da bin ich eine von recht wenigen. Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, kommunizieren wir hier in Englisch, damit es auch jeder verstehen kann.
Hast du dich denn schon angemeldet mit Benutzername und Kennwort?
Desweiteren ist Englisch gar nicht so schwer, man lernt es ziemlich schnell wenn mann es übt. Ansonsten wäre ein Englischkurs zu empfehlen.

Nun, ich verstehe das Problem mit der Reitschule sehr gut. Ich habe selber lange unterrichtet, es dann auf Bodenarbeit umgestellt, und nun ganz damit aufgehört. Es ist halt mit einer Reitschule so, das es eigentlich immer zur Lasten der Pferde geht, was ja nicht im Sinne von NHE ist.
Es wird von keinem erwartet sofort das ganze leben umzuschmeißen, wobei doch eine Entwicklung gezeigt werden sollte.

Ich hoffe das ich dir ein wenig weiterhelfen konnte, wenn du noch Fragen hast beantworte ich sie gerne.

For the others in English:
I understand you in German, but not all of us. This is an international forum, and we communicate in English, to make it understandable for everybody.
Did you make an account already?
English is not that difficult, you will learn very fast while doing. Futher an English course can be recommended.

I understand your problem with the riding school very well. I have been giving riding lessons, than changed to ground work, and a short time ago I quit. With a riding school it is difficult to fit in NHE, because it is not about the horse itself.
We don't expect you to change your whole life at once, but there should be a change visible.

I hope I anwered your questions, you are very welcome to ask more if you like.

This post has been edited by Basje: 23.6.2008, 16:12
post 23.6.2008, 17:19
Post #5

Vielen Vielen Dank für die schnellen Antworten damit habe ich nicht gerechnet!!!!

Nein ich habe noch kein Passwort usw. ich dachte dafür müste man eingeladen werden bzw. erfülle ich ja nicht alle anforderungen wegen meinem Schulbetrieb!

Ich werde so schnell wie möglich englisch büffeln derzeit übersetzte ich die seite mit google!!

Ich würde von ganzem Herzen gerne schnellstmöglich etwas ändern mir blutet das Herz jeden Tag beim Unterrichten und immer mehr umso mehr ich mit meinen 2en Pferden NHE übe!!

Ich habe schon fast alle meine Schulpferde auf gebisslos umgestellt und veranstalte seit ich mit NHE bekanntschaft gemacht habe auch wöchentliche billige Kurse um den Kindern das Pferd näherzubringen wos nicht ums reiten geht!!

Es wäre toll mit anderen darüber sprechen zu können da man sich anfangs schon sehr alleingelassen fühlt und bei uns in der Umgebung bzw. im ganzen Land (Österreich) hab ich niemenden gefunden der mir helfen könnte und alleine ist es verdammt schweer!!!
post 23.6.2008, 17:27
Post #6

Group: Inactive
Posts: 556
Joined: 3.2.2008
From: Lunteren, The Netherlands
Member No.: 4534

Hallo Sabrina,
da ich fast das gleiche erlebt habe, obwohl wahrscheinlich nicht in dem maß, wei es bei Dir ist, kannst du mir gerne auch per email kontaktieren. Meine emailadresse ist [email protected]
Vielleicht kann ich dir ja irgendwie helfen, ich würde es auf jeden Fall gerne!
post 23.6.2008, 22:30
Post #7

Darf ich mich Regiestrieren auch wenn ich nicht alle vorraussetzungen erfülle (Schulbetrieb)???
post 24.6.2008, 1:04
Post #8

Group: Newcomers
Posts: 5
Joined: 24.6.2008
From: Österreich
Member No.: 5269

QUOTE(Sabrina @ 23.6.2008, 21:30) *
Darf ich mich Regiestrieren auch wenn ich nicht alle vorraussetzungen erfülle (Schulbetrieb)???

Hab mich mal registrieren getraut leider verstehe ich überhauptnix da ich ja kein Englisch spreche also werde ich jetzt mal englisch lernen!!

Vielen dank erstmal für die vielen Antworten!! VIELEN VIELEN DANK

post 26.6.2008, 23:43
Post #9


I recently discovered the whole NHE system, and think it is wonderful. I have loved and lived with horses for as long as I can remember, and I would love to join your forum..(IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) I have always been "having a look" at some different styles of training philosophy and man-horse-relations to find the one that I think is best for the horse and most natural, and I would know like to learn (a lot) more about the NHE. I do support the philosophy of barefoot trimming and the no-bit attitude. Yet I have some questions;
One of our horses (it is actually my mother's horse) has the need of being shod, because her previos owner from which we saved her had not been giving her proper hoof care. This led to the horse's hoofs growing in an unnatural way, so that more of the hoof gets "rubbed off" (sorry, bad english) on the outer side than on the inside. If she isn't shod then the entire leg will be standing in an angle that is very hurtful to the horse if it is allowed to stay that way for long.
Also, I live in an area where there is a lot of snow and ice in the winter and it can be quite dangerous for the horses to even be in the fields if they are not shod with winter shoes.
I do support the barefoot style and try to keep our horses barefoot as much as possible, but will not put them in any dangerous situation. Will these two problems that I have with following the forum rules make me unable to join?
Hoping for a quick respond and a positive reply, since I would LOVE to be able to join and learn from other NHE practitioners, for the benefit of my horses and myself..:-)

Sincerely, Ann
post 27.6.2008, 1:00
Post #10

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From: Riga, Latvia
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Hi Ann and you're welcome to join the Forum! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

One of our horses (it is actually my mother's horse) has the need of being shod, because her previos owner from which we saved her had not been giving her proper hoof care. This led to the horse's hoofs growing in an unnatural way

Do you think the iron shoes are natural to a horse? Since it doesn't born with the shoes on its hooves, it's very unlikely. Right? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Then, how do you suppose one unnatural thing could change another unnatural thing into something natural? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Also, I live in an area where there is a lot of snow and ice in the winter and it can be quite dangerous

A horse has the perfect natural hoof mechanism, which helps it to cope perfectly with snow and ice. You just need to allow this mechanism. With time on the Forum, you could learn more about this. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)


post 27.7.2008, 1:55
Post #11

QUOTE(_Ann_* @ 26.6.2008, 23:43) *

I recently discovered the whole NHE system, and think it is wonderful. I have loved and lived with horses for as long as I can remember, and I would love to join your forum..(IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) I have always been "having a look" at some different styles of training philosophy and man-horse-relations to find the one that I think is best for the horse and most natural, and I would know like to learn (a lot) more about the NHE. I do support the philosophy of barefoot trimming and the no-bit attitude. Yet I have some questions;
One of our horses (it is actually my mother's horse) has the need of being shod, because her previos owner from which we saved her had not been giving her proper hoof care. This led to the horse's hoofs growing in an unnatural way, so that more of the hoof gets "rubbed off" (sorry, bad english) on the outer side than on the inside. If she isn't shod then the entire leg will be standing in an angle that is very hurtful to the horse if it is allowed to stay that way for long.
Also, I live in an area where there is a lot of snow and ice in the winter and it can be quite dangerous for the horses to even be in the fields if they are not shod with winter shoes.
I do support the barefoot style and try to keep our horses barefoot as much as possible, but will not put them in any dangerous situation. Will these two problems that I have with following the forum rules make me unable to join?
Hoping for a quick respond and a positive reply, since I would LOVE to be able to join and learn from other NHE practitioners, for the benefit of my horses and myself..:-)

Sincerely, Ann

I also would like to join the forum and have a horse who currently is shod on his fronts. He is a 24 year old thoroughbred former racehorse. He has torm both front lower check ligaments and I am told he will always need front shoes because of these injuries. I know it is unnatural but I also think he would be dead by now if he were in natural state - he would not be able to keep up weith the herd of keep his place in the herd. I will do whatever it takes to keep him healthy for the rest of his life and have been learning asmuch as I can about non-violent methods ow working with horses.
Is it alright fro me to join?
post 27.7.2008, 16:42
Post #12

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Hello Evelyn,
I cannot think of any circumstance where the horse is better off with shoes. Ever. There is no way for the hoof to function normally and pump blood as it should, with a shoe nailed to it. Now removing the shoes would not necessarily be an easy thing to do, but in the end, it would be very worth the rehabilitation.
You are welcome to join the Newcomers Forum as long as you have an open mind to learning more about hoof anatomy and are willing to learn what to do to help your horse rehabilitate.
post 28.7.2008, 8:05
Post #13

Group: Newcomers
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Joined: 28.7.2008
From: 33 clements grove reservoir, victora, autralia, 3073
Member No.: 5383

my continued addiction and obsession for alternatives had me surfing you tube. i was actually watching a cross between parelli posts and rodeo torture and dancing horses in pakistan trying to work out if they were in pain or not , as the handles and some people who had seen it live emphatically pronounced. I an not so sure with the brutality of some of the manouvers, I thinkk horses are generally graceful and not so harsh on their bodies. ...anyway... I cam accross NHE and it blew my mind cause I was busy grumbling internally about the videos that were up as grace but looking like torture to me. so I hunted the website and read a bit. that was a couple of months ago but I didn't have the money for a new technique as I already do parelli. I am level 1/2 parelli, my horses don't do anything but eat, roam the paddock and have me try and communicate or run around with them, or incite some kind of chasey thing. or sit and watch . I have three my arab wb mare summertime who has been injured and thus I put her in foal and i now have that boy who is 9 months and a clever much deeper thinker than his reactive mum who is 7. I adore her , she was underfed and over priced when I got her and a washed out chestnut, now she is deep liver and really striking. we have been building a relationship slowly and now I can ask for each hoof to be forward or back and have the sense to give her as much space as she needs to learn, or move away or whatever, we do some simple liberty work and all work on line is loose rope (I never use a bit).. I still tend to dominate and loose patience rather than ask allow recieve, it is a slow process for me, for her it is easy . I jsut got a new horse as I still am concerned about the soundness of her leg. the new boy is seth a lovely chesnut qh who is a totally different personality, jsut relaxed and cruisey and pretty happy with cuddles adn not a lot else. I started in the racing industry at 8 as I was horse mad so mum,who didn't want to buy one , took me to the nearest place that they were at. I stayed there till I was 19 and then study uni took over. I have a million horror tales and many days in tears but on some level I feel I made the horses in my care a littel happier for being heard or known on some level.

I love my horses but you know the more time I spend with them the more i realise how poorly I have been trained in communication. I am joining now as I was talking to my friend about myler bits , watching the promo video and how improved the horses were with a myler and I jsut couldn't understand how if it improved that much with a more movable hunk of metal imagine what would happed if you rode without it at all. so i stated i don't think I will ever be so advanced as to need a bit to help me communicate I will only ever be working with communication. and so I am bakc here looking for someone who has don'e the work who can help in this path. I really love the way in the video's on you tube he plays with them, just lets them be free and have a chat about it.

so I one day would love to do high level dressage in hand. I would love to train myself so there is never frustration, never fear , and never force. I'll post some shots of my girls and hoping you can at least shre my passion for a hand shake versus another "necessary" spur or whip.

i am also barfoot trimmer trained and of course all my horses are, I am 31 .

can't seem to get the photo thing happening??
post 28.7.2008, 8:17
Post #14

Group: Newcomers
Posts: 3
Joined: 28.7.2008
From: 33 clements grove reservoir, victora, autralia, 3073
Member No.: 5383

I forgot to mention my training, I have had no formal riding or other horse training

I worked with thoroubreds for ten odd years and then had a break for a while and then with endurance racing arabs, where I rode for fitness for competition and also started and handled foals and started the 5 years olds. I used a combination of parelli and when in doubt jsut be patient and take the time and read the horse. it worked better than some. I am not such a gifted horse professional, my riding skills and terrible and i have no balance and I am nervous as a person. I do the best with what I have and have been reading natural horsemanship for a few years now and love th parelli system for it's simlicity but I am learning that of course it has limits as a leaching system. and as for my new horse it's not working for him much at all.

I am a naturopath and personal trainer by trade.

you can see me and my horses at my facebook page Rebecca Sonkkila

in love and light
post 29.7.2008, 2:35
Post #15

Group: Newcomers
Posts: 18
Joined: 29.7.2008
From: Holland
Member No.: 5387

Hello my name is Daphne de Bruyn and I live in Holland, I just love to join this forum because I hate bits and everything that's not horsenatural. Why would horses be like us when we can be like them ? I just want to love my horse and take good care of him, no horse shoes for him and no bits. I know people who use bits and those horses are just.. It's hard to watch they are so sad..

But now I need to tell severall thing of myself and post pics of me and my buddy.. Do I need to put it here or.. I am so sorry that I bother you but I am really new here.
post 29.7.2008, 23:11
Post #16

Hi, I am from South Africa. Thanks to Jennifer Ryan for helping me to gain access to the forum..........I had a few computer problems so it has taken a while to get onto the site. I have been a keen follower of more "natural methods" for training horses for several years. I am privileged to have four horses and am very fortunate to live on a farm where their pastures surround our house. My husband and I manage the we are kept very busy. We farm cattle, sheep and flowers.

I have 1 mare and 3 dear old boy who is 25, and the mare, a saddler, who is 19 years old. The two young boys were both born on the farm, and I have handled them from birth. Dakota the youngest, an Arab cross Saddler, cross Appaloosa lost his mother when he was a month old. I really battled to get him to drink at first, he wouldn't suck from a bottle, but I was thrilled when in the middle of one night, he slurped milk out of a bowl........and then we were away. Fortunately our mare, Charlena, (his grandmother) took him under her wing and taught him all the "horse" things he needed to know!

Missouri, the older of the two geldings, has been backed, but I have only ever ridden him with a halter, and not very often as I am still unsure of how to continue. I was beginning to think that I must put a bit in his mouth, in case I ever had to sell him or give him to someone else, but after seeing Nevzorov's film..........I am encouraged to continue with developing my relationship with my horses with "no iron". My horses have never been shod or stabled and I am very interested to learn more about barefoot trimming.

I must sign off now as it's quite late and we have an early start. I look forward to hearing from you.
post 3.8.2008, 22:23
Post #17

Hi Jann,
Good to see you here...welcome!
Unfortunately you need to put your introduction in the newcomers section. I did the exact same thing when I came here and Pony Song (Vicki) helped me out!
So....if you look at the top of the board statistics bit on this page you will see a bar for "todays active topics". You can click on this and then start your introduction (you can cut and paste the one you have already written if it's easier than typing it out again!).
It is a little confusing to get around at first or to decide what you should be reading and just when you have read most topics on one page, everyone posts again and you start all over. There is also lots of info on the site itself and the people on the forum really want you to succeed in understanding what NHE is all about.
I know you will have the most amazing journey with your horses....which I can't wait to read about!
I hope you have your computer problems fixed now....
Look forward to chatting with you here really soon
Best Regards
post 3.8.2008, 23:08
Post #18

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From: Texas, USA
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Hello Jann,
Good to see you here!
If you will, log in and start an introduction of yourself. I will move your introduction post there.
post 6.8.2008, 0:04
Post #19

Group: Newcomers
Posts: 3
Joined: 5.8.2008
From: Maryland, USA
Member No.: 5417

Hello..My name is Irina and I live in the USA. For a living I groom dogs and cats out of a small shop at my parants house. I own a 8year old chestnut quarter horse gelding. I have had him for almost 5 years now. The type of riding I do is english, but sometimes I get lazy and just go bareback.

I started getting into horses when I was about 14 years old. I started at the bottom where I had to clean stalls everyday for my lessons. Which was not all that bad because I got the chance to learn about the care of horses for FREE. As I improved my work I had the chance to ride more. I saved up my money at the age of 16 by working at a dog kennel and bought my first horse, Cherokee, who was about 4years old. Every since then I have taken Cherokee everywhere with me, he is like a dog to me.

I am only 20 year old and learned how to ride a horse and control horses with leather and bits, but never to understand the morse gental side of being with the horse. This is why Im hear, to learn and more understand with everyones help.

post 6.8.2008, 12:28
Post #20

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From: Texas, USA
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Hello Cherokee,
Welcome to the forum. Would you mind starting an introduction topic and I will gladly move your post to your introduction.

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Thank you,

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